Friday, June 30, 2017

#ProjectUseThemALL Update: June 2017

For the first of several planned posts today, I wanted to provide my first monthly update on #ProjectUseThemALL. For those who aren't familiar, this is my introduction post.

I've been maintaining a page on this site with the 158 palettes in this project here.

I'm quite surprised as to the amount of progress I made in just one month (26.5% of palettes); I feel confident that I'll pull all of my palettes by the end of the year.

I don't find the challenge restricting, which is why I normally get frustrated with projects and challenges. I enjoy my large collection. I don't foresee progress like this every month, but that's ok. This is more of a challenge to myself to use them all. If this goes well, I'm going to undertake a similar challenge with blushes and single shadows in 2018.

Although I've been buying a lot as of late, this project is also making me carefully consider palette purchases. I think I need to be more considerate across the board.

I made the choice to only concentrate on palettes that I had in my collection when I started this journey because they tend to be put aside for the new shiny toy. It's a given that I'll play with the new items almost immediately.

42 of 158 down. I'm hoping to be around 60 by the end of July.

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